Region: Northwest
State abbreviation: CO
Capital city: Denver
Borders: Colorado is bordered by Wyoming and Nebraska on the north. To the south is New Mexico and Oklahoma. In the east, Colorado is bordered by Nebraska and Kansas and to the west by Utah. The southwest corner of Colorado meets Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. This spot is known as Four Corners.
Bird: Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys)
Animals: Colorado hosts an amazing array of species, especially given its temperate climate: about 750 vertebrates, more than tens of thousands invertebrates and over 3,000 native plant species.
Between the animals, the magnificent Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep was designated official state animal of Colorado in 1961. Named for their massive, curling horns (which can grow to 50 inches in length) and known for their agility and perfect balance, Rocky Mountain bighorns (Ovis canadensis) are found only in the Rockies (usually above the timberline) in extremely rugged terrain.
Other important animals are the Bald Eagle, deers, elks and marmots.
Flag: The flag of Colorado consists of three equal sized horizontal stripes. The top and bottom stripe are blue and the middle is white. To the left side of the flag there is a yellow circle that is outlined with a red letter C.
Flower: Rocky Mountain Columbine, the white and lavender Columbine, Aquilegia caerules, was adopted as the official state flower on April 4, 1899.

Motto: Nil sine Numine is a Latin Phrase that is commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence," but it was specifically known that the original designers of the state seal (which includes the phrase Nil sine Numine) intended the translation to be "Nothing without the Deity."
Important cities: Aurora, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins (in that order in the photographs)

Interesting information about Colorado: 1, 2, 3
Interesting information about USA: 1
Labels: States of the US